What is Specialty Representation
Now one registered agent can manage all your specialty agreements and statute requirements – USRA.
Many federal and state statutes require the appointment of a registered agent to accept Service of Process or other official communications in conjunction with certain statutes.
Now finance lawyers, securitization attorneys, and corporate counsel can benefit from the convenience and cost-efficiencies of consolidating representation under the statutes of most federal, state, local and foreign jurisdictions with one highly-qualified registered agent – USRA.
We can handle all your Specialty Representation needs (also referred to as Special Agency Agreements, Special Representation Services, Special Loan Agreements, or Private Agreements) reliably, efficiently and with a simple, affordable fee structure that helps you manage costs. This applies to special agreements not specialty rep.
Representation by Private Agreement
Many agreements, such as contracts and loan agreements, require the appointment of an agent to promptly and expeditiously deliver process or other notice from one party to another. Service under a loan agreement, shareholder agreements, leases and other legal contracts are critical correspondence that should be handled by a professional agent promptly. You can trust USRA to represent your interests pursuant to the terms of your specific agreements.
We can also serve as your agent in international agreements in most jurisdictions at a savings similar to that on our domestic registered agent services. In many foreign jurisdictions that have non-Common-Law traditions, the concept of a statutory registered agent is unknown. However, USRA can often provide agent services in these situations by engaging qualified local counsel whom we have often worked with in the past to represent your interests.
Years of expertise in Specialty Representation.
Since 1998, US Registered Agents has provided our clients with reliable registered agent services under the following selected statutes, as well as many others:
- Air Pollution Control
- Broker-Dealer Registration
- Civil Aeronautics Board
- Colorado Dept. of Agriculture Electrical Contractor
- Employee Identification
- Engineering Registration
- Florida – Alien Corp.
- Franchise Uniform Offering
- Freight Forwarders
- Georgia Treated Lumber
- Hazardous Waste
- Liquor Control
- Maine (Specialty Rep.)
- Maryland Interstate Registration
- Massachusetts Business Trust
- Motor Club
- Pesticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide
- Poison Control
- Public Service Commission
- Public Utilities Commission
- Real Estate Act
- Sales Tax License Registration
- Securities Acts Registration
- USA Patriot Act
- Water Carriers
- Workman’s Compensation